Are you drowning in paperwork? No matter how well you organize paper records, they’ll still waste your time.  The information in paper documents is not readily accessible, and you can easily misplace files, both of which hinder information retrieval.   …

How to Create a Paperless Office for Your Business in 10 Simple Steps Read more »

Your personal files – pictures, documents, videos, old slide decks and spreadsheets – accumulate over time. At some point, maintaining order in your personal files such that you can expect to find what you’re looking for in a reasonable amount …

Personal Document Management Software: 5 Core Features Read more »

E-signatures have been a legally recognized form of signature for more than twenty years. Yet, widespread adoption has only begun in the last few years. In 2021, 95% of businesses reported that they were already using e-signatures or had a …

Digital Certificates for E-Signatures: 5 Things You Need to Know Read more »

Yielding an average 40% improvement in operational efficiency and a 35% increase in customer satisfaction, digital transformation in the workplace has become a critical adaptation for thriving in the modern work environment. For many businesses, the hassle of replacing paper …

The 30-Day Document Digitization Strategy Read more »

For highly-trained professionals such as lawyers and the employees of legal offices, preparing and managing documents account for more than half of time on the clock. About 90% of lawyers report experiencing significant difficulties in locating filed contracts and 40% …

9 Must-Have Features of Legal Document Management Software Read more »

Now is a good time to transition away from paper document storage in this increasingly digital world. On average, businesses spend $20 to file and store a single paper document, and for each document, there is a 7.5% chance it …

The Complete Guide to Document Scanning Software Read more »

Adaptations to temporary restrictions during the Covid-19 pandemic accelerated the process of digital transformation in nearly half of businesses worldwide. Businesses initially adopted practices such as cloud hosting and remote access to accommodate physically scattered workforces. Nevertheless, 80% of business …

The Smart Guide to Business Process Document Automation Read more »

If you work with digital documents, you probably recognize a handful of document file types or file extension types. File extensions are the letters that follow the period in file names. You’re probably familiar with DOCX, PDF, and a few …

The Giant List of Document File Types and Extensions Read more »

If your business creates, stores, and exchanges documents digitally, you’ll often need to use, edit, and convert PDFs. Enabling PDF editing and conversion with proprietary software that you own or subscribe to is essential to digital asset management. With PDF …

How to Delete Pages from PDF Files Read more »

When the Covid-19 pandemic began to affect workplace closures in the spring of 2020, 70% of job postings in English-speaking countries explicitly required digital skills. As temporary shifts to remote work continue to become permanent practice in 2022, the pace …

How to Close the Digital Skills Gap with Document Management Read more »