Is your business inbox a cluttered mess?  Email platforms hinder your ability to find documents quickly in times of need. With conventional email channels, documents in your inbox are alienated from your system, therefore obstructing information retrieval. In fact, 32% …

How to Include Email Management in Your Documentation Process in 2024 Read more »

Want to turbocharge productivity?  Offline and manual business document management brings about a lot of iterative work.  You may need to rummage through local drives and disconnected systems just to find documents, creating productivity losses that affect your long-term success.  …

Cloud-Based Document Management: The Complete Guide for Small Businesses Read more »

Tired of manually sorting through documents? It’s very cumbersome to manually organize & file paperwork for your small business.  In fact, with a manual and paper-based document management workflow, you can lose huge amounts of productivity and revenue over time.  …

10 Best Document Management Software for Small Businesses in 2024 Read more »

Your business is constantly changing. This can make managing digital assets like change documents very difficult. With poor change management documentation or a lack of it, you can easily approve process changes that end up backfiring in your face.  A …

10 Essential Tips for Effective Change Management Documentation in 2024 Read more »

Ever since its release in 1984, Tetris has been famous for both its simplicity and its seemingly infinite skill ceiling. Nearly 40 years later, players are still competing for new world records and coming up with new strategies for mastering …

Does Your Business Need a Workflow Management System? Read more »

Documentation has changed. Humanity has progressed from drawing cuneiform in clay tablets to storing emojis in the cloud, and in the process, online document security has emerged as a perennial priority for modern businesses.  For as long as innovators have …

The No-Nonsense Guide to Storing Documents Online Securely Read more »

One of technology’s greatest benefits is that it enables collaboration across different computers, offices, countries, or continents. However, sometimes that accessibility can be a bad thing: When you don’t want others to make changes to your documents, you might want …

How to Make a PDF Non-Editable and Read-Only Read more »

While tortoises have a reputation for longevity, the bowhead whale can live nearly twice as long: 200 years or more. Not to be outdone, the ocean quahog, a type of clam, is said to live over 500 years. On the …

How to Create a Workable Document Retention Policy Read more »

Enterprise content management (ECM) is a broad category for all the activities of managing the lifecycle of the “content” that flows through your organization. This content comes in many different shapes and sizes: consumer data, contracts, logos, emails, ads, and …

How to Get Started with Digital Asset Management Read more »