Missing Receipt Box
Your receipt box no longer shows up in FileCenter Receipts.
Solution #1
The likely cause is that you have moved the folder containing the receipt boxes. Do the following:
- Click the Boxes button in FileCenter Receipts
- Locate your missing box on the list
- Note the Folder
- Go into Windows and verify that the folder exists and has files in it
- If the folder doesn't exist, locate it
- Back in FileCenter Receipts, select the box and click Edit
- For the Location click Browse and select the correct folder for the box
- Click OK
If the folder is in the right place and has files in it, you may have a corrupted receipt box. Proceed to Solution #2.
Solution #2
After extensive testing on our end, we have found that the antivirus application you are using has corrupted your FileCenter Receipts Database during either a system scan or antivirus scan that was performed in the location your receipts are being stored.
Unfortunately, we have no control over this. However, we may be able to help repair the corrupted database. Please follow the process below to get assistance in repairing your Receipts Database.
Please submit a support ticket with the subject as "FileCenter Receipts - Receipt box missing"
After submitting the ticket, you will receive a FileCenter Portal invitation with instructions on setting up a password and link you can use to login. This will allow you to upload your corrupted receipt box (including the receipts) directly to the Support Agent who will assist with the repair. This information is vital to the repair.
We have chosen to follow this process because the FileCenter Portal is a secure file sharing portal, the only person with access to the database and your receipts will be the support agent going through the repair. The Receipt Box size will not allow you to send it through email and not everyone uses a cloud service.
After the Receipt Box has been repaired, the support agent who has repaired your Receipt box will reach out via email through the ticket you have submitted to schedule a remote session and call so the repaired box can be placed in the My Receipts folder on your computer and test to make sure everything is working properly on your computer.
Please keep in mind, in some cases, these receipt boxes cannot be repaired due to the process the third party antivirus application runs through when scanning your system and local files. If the box cannot be repaired, you will need to reprocess your receipts. If this occurs, we may be able to retrieve your payee, payment method, payment account, category and description lists so we can rebuild your list items so when you reprocess, you may not have to add these back individually.
The processed receipts that are no longer loading in FileCenter Receipts will be moved back into the inbox of your Receipt Box so they can be reprocessed.
Tips for Preventing Corruption
- Add C:\Program Files (x86)\FileCenter has been added to the antivirus exceptions list*
- Add the My Receipts folder to your antivirus exceptions list* (this will prevent your antivirus application from running a scan on the database and potentially corrupting the database)
- Add FileCenterReceipts.exe to the application allow list* in your antivirus application
*For instructions, see Whitelist FileCenter in Antivirus Programs for instructions.
Our development team does not recommend installing FileCenter Receipts on a hard drive partition (often times referred to as the D:\ Drive but can be other drive letters) and they do not recommend storing your receipts on a hard drive partition. The My Receipts folder should be stored either locally on your computer, on a windows server and access through a mapped network drive or cloud service that can be accessed via windows file explorer.
FileCenter DMS, Automate and FileCenter Receipts should always be installed on your local C drive. FileCenter allows you to access files stored on multiple files storage locations that are accessible through Windows File Explorer. Files are not stored in FileCenter so the size of FileCenter is not going to increase and should not impact your hard drive storage space significantly.
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