What's New in FileCenter 12

FileCenter 12 is here! Here's an ongoing rundown of new features as we add them.
One-Time Password / Two-Factor Authentication   (Pro or Pro Plus)
Add an additional layer of security for accessing FileCenter. The One-Time Password feature works with the authenticator apps you already use, like Microsoft Authenticator, Google Authenticator, Authy, and others. This adds a crucial security step to ensure that only authorized users can access FileCenter. Depending on the autenticator service you use, this can add up to two authentication factors to access FileCenter.
To use the feature, you first need to set up an authenticator app on your cell phone. Then go to FileCenter's Settings > Security > Use One-time Password from Authenticator App and follow the instructions.
Once set up, each time you launch FileCenter it will ask for a 6-digit code from your authenticator app.
Custom Colors for Cabinets
You can now colorize your cabinet tabs with custom colors, giving yourself a quick visual indicator for which cabinet you're in. To use this feature, right-click on any cabinet tab and select Paint Cabinet. (Tip: this works on drawers and folders too!)
Dark Mode
Dark screen or white? Which plays nicer for your eyes? It's the new cultural dividing point, joining the Coke-Pepsi and Ford-Chevy debates. We, not wanting to take sides, now give you both options. And a lot of you are loving FileCenter's new Dark Mode.
To access it, go to FileCenter's Home tab and set the Theme to Dark Mode.
Customizable Themes
Besides a Dark Mode, we provide other themes and ways to tweak FileCenter's colors to your liking. Play with them on the Home tab, where you can adjust the overall theme color as well as the Title Bar and Tool Bar colors.
Improved Large Fonts and Scaling
For those who prefer large fonts or who do custom display scaling (like on high-definition monitors), FileCenter now works even more smoothly with the display settings in Windows, giving you the best possible viewing experience.
FileCenterCapture Folder
In an effort to support even more non-standard scanners, we now offer the FileCenterCapture feature. This allows those scanners to "send" scans into FileCenter if they meet certain criteria: 1) The scanner has to save the scan to file, 2) you have to be able to designate the folder where the scan is saved, and 3) the scanner needs to be able to invoke an outside program after the scan.
Here's the setup:
  1. Set up your scanner to put the scans into a folder named FileCenterCapture. It doesn't matter where you put the folder.
  2. Set up your scanner to invoke FileCenter after the scan with the name of the file.
Here's how it's used:
  1. In FileCenter, browse to the location where you want to save the scan.
  2. Perform the scan from your scanner.
  3. FileCenter pop up a dialog asking for a file name.
  4. Give the scan a name.
  5. FileCenter will name and save the scan in your cabinet.
Automatic PDF Forms
FileCenter's PDF editor can now turn regular PDFs into fillable PDF forms. To use this feature, open the PDF in FileCenter's PDF editor > Form menu > Identify Forms. For any missed fields, you can add these yourself easily by selecting a new field type (like text, checkbox, or date) from the toolbar and drawing the field on the form.
Bulk Renaming
You can now rename files en masse with FileCenter's Split view. For example, suppose you have a hundred digital photos that should all be renamed to West Lake Property followed by a two-digit counter, like this: West Lake Property 39
  1. Open FileCenter's Split view
  2. Browse to the drawer/folder where the digital photos are
  3. If you want to keep the files in the same folder, select the same folder in the top and bottom windows
  4. Select all of the photos
  5. In the middle bar, select Move, Rename on Drop, and type "West Lake Property" as the new name
  6. Drag the files from the top view to the bottom view
Tip: To control the format of the number, go to FileCenter's Settings > Manage Files > Default Increment.
Cleaner Aesthetics
A streamlined, sleek ribbon bar and cleaner overall aesthetics help keep FileCenter distraction-free, easy on the eyes, and modern.
Improved Speed & Performance
In our ongoing quest to make FileCenter as nimble and responsive as possible, we've further enhanced local and network performance and stability.