Sometimes we are so rushed to implement a new project that we don’t sit down and think of all the processes that need to take place to do the job right. In some cases, we can get away with that, …

10 Things I Wish I’d Have Known When We Were First Going Paperless Read more »

FileCenter Pro vs. Windows Folders: What are the advantages of using FileCenter Pro over Managing Windows Folders? Some common questions asked when talking with a business owner looking at using an electronic document management solution are, “Why can’t I just …

What are the Advantages of Using FileCenter Pro Over Windows Folders? Read more »

Paper in the office is not fun. If you are dreaming of getting rid of your mountains and mountains of paperwork, well, you’re not alone. Many people love the idea of having a paperless office, but are often not sure …

Going Paperless: 5 Items to Consider Before Going Paperless Read more »

With modern scanning technology and the right document management software, businesses can go paperless to streamline their operations to be more efficient and effective. Businesses of all sizes are overwhelmed with incoming files, with both paper and electronic documents arriving …

Streamline Your Operations by Using Document Management Software Read more »

With document retention requirements varying by industry as well as state to state, how do you decide what to archive? You may think to yourself that there are so many rules and regulations out there that address document retention. And …

How Do You Decide What to Archive: 4 Types of Documents to Start With Read more »

If you are the owner of a small business, it may seem like an unachievable task to take your office paperless. You may think that it is easy just to manage the paper files you do have. When you really …

3 Big Benefits of Going Paperless for Small Businesses Read more »