Restore WordPerfect's Enhanced Save/Open Dialog
For FileCenter's Save/Open dialogs to work in WordPerfect, it is necessary to disable WordPerfect's "Enhanced File Dialog" feature. If you want to revert to WordPerfect's dialogs, you can easily turn them back on:
- In WordPerfect, select the "Settings" option in the "Tools" menu (it may be under the "Edit" menu)
- Double-click the "Files" icon
- On the dialog that will appear, look for the "Use enhanced file dialogs" option (normally it is in the lower left corner of the dialog)
- Re-select this option
- Click "Apply" and close the settings dialogs
WordPerfect's enhanced dialogs will now work again. Note that the FileCenter Save/Open dialogs will no longer work with WordPerfect.
Disable the FileCenter Dialogs when You Print
If you're still getting the FileCenter dialogs when you print to file in WordPerfect (like when you print to PDF), follow the instructions in the Knowledge Base Article Switch Back to Normal Save/Open Dialogs and deactivate support for any program called printserverNNN.exe, where "NNN" is a 3-digit number, like "100".
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