No Files Appear in the Cabinet
If you've pointed a cabinet to a folder of existing files, yet nothing shows up in FileCenter, follow these instructions.
Suppose that all of your files are in the folder c:\files, with no subfolders. If you then create a cabinet that points to c:\files, no files will be visible in the cabinet. The reason for this is that FileCenter expects files to be contained in subfolders (drawers).
The way to get around this is to enable the "Cabinet Root" drawer. This is a special drawer which will display any files that are in the main directory of the cabinet (i.e. files that are not contained in a drawer).
Do this:
- Click the "Cabinets" button
- Select the cabinet on the list
- Click "Edit"
- For the setting called "Show Cabinet's Main Folder as a Drawer", select "Always"
- Click "OK"
For more information on the preferred structure of a FileCenter cabinet, go to the FileCenter Help and look at the topic "File Management" > "The Cabinet Structure".
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