Database Connection Error
When trying to install or run FileCenter, you get a database connection error. The error may mention a missing odbcji32.dll or odbcjt32.dll, or it may simply say The operating system is not configured to run this application.
Recent updates to Microsoft Office have changed the Microsoft Access database drivers that older versions of FileCenter and FileConvert have been using. These Microsoft updates are now causing database connection errors like odbcjt32.dll missing or unable to load odbcji32.dll or The operating system is not configured to run this application when opening FileCenter or FileConvert.
Solution #1
Upgrade to the latest version of FileCenter/FileConvert, which no longer relies on Access databases. This is your best long-term solution. Contact our Sales team for upgrade pricing.
Solution #2
If you're currently using FileCenter/FileConvert version 8, install build This will typically fix the connection error. But realize that these versions continue to rely on Access databases to store some of their settings, so the errors may return in the future. Download Version Here »
As mentioned above, up until version 9 of FileCenter, we have used several small Microsoft Access databases to store settings and separators. These databases are located as follows:
- C:\ProgramData\FileCenter\Application.mdb
- C:\ProgramData\FileCenter\User.mdb
- C:\ProgramData\FileCenter\Separators.mdb
With the introduction of version 9 (and build for Separators), FileCenter no longer uses or depends on these Microsoft Access databases. The settings information is now stored in text files and the separator information is now stored in a SQLite database.
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