Last Reviewed: February 23, 2023
Activate FileCenter's Save/Open Dialogs for a Program
FileCenter's Save/Open dialog integration can theoretically work with the majority of Windows applications. This article describes how to activate them for your favorite program.
To add Save/Open support for a program:
- Go to FileCenter's Settings
- Select "Save/Open Dialogs" on the left
- Select "Enable Only for Selected Applications Below"
- Next to the list of "Supported Applications", click "Add"
- Browse to the actual .exe file for the new program
(HINT: If you don't know where your program's .exe is, find a shortcut to it on your desktop or in your Start menu. Right-click on this shortcut and select "Properties". The properties dialog will show the name of the .exe and where you can find it.)
- Select the .exe and click "Open"
- The .exe should now appear as a "Supported Application"
- Click "Apply" and "OK"
Now test the new program carefully. Not all programs work with the Save/Open dialogs, but most will. If the program works well, let us know the name of the .exe so we can add support for it in future versions.
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